+27 (0) 78 847 6675

   +27 (0) 54 741 0167

E-mail. admin@duinindieweg.co.za

Duin in die Weg Outdoor Educational Centre, Perseel 131, 8822 Gariep, Upington, Northern Cape


Do you want to make a success of your life?

We want to provide a broad range of supportive,  relevant, high-quality knowledge and practical skills to help people to be successful. The following types of courses/programs can already be offered, but we are more than willing to develop and present new programs as required.

• Life Skills
• Social
• Practical
• Career


– Lecture rooms: At the start of courses, classes are set up in a lecture room style. Each lecture room has desks & chairs, a whiteboard, a PC, and a projector for presentation.

– Language policy: The medium for presentation is Afrikaans and/or English (mutually spoken language).

– Programmes: It offers a balance of theoretical study, combined with practical training.


In the end, we want to set YOU  up for success!


Contact Us

Office | 054 741 0167
Coordinator | +27 83 303 7769

Admin | +27 78 847 6675