+27 (0) 54 741 0167
E-mail. info@duinindieweg.co.za
Duin in die Weg Outdoor Educational Centre, Perseel 131, 8822 Gariep, Upington, Northern Cape
Outdoor, Education and Sport Centre
Our vision is to make your visit a pleasant and memorable one.
Duin in die Weg is a guest farm with functions – and conference facilities. We also offer a variety of excellent accommodation facilities. Our aim is to please each of our guests with an unforgettable experience by the time they leave us.
It is the perfect destination for indoor or outdoor functions and conferences with the added value of a variety of outdoor team building experiences and activities available at request. Our customers are corporate, private, state and semi-state. We have a multiple-purpose hall with overhead powerpoint facilities and drop-down screens. Our accommodation will satisfy every pocket and every taste.
Added value may vary from river cruises to hiking. You formulate your request and we will try to comply.
Contact Us
Tel. +27(0) 54 741 0167
Wapp. +27(0) 83 303 7769