+27 (0) 54 741 0167
E-mail. admin@duinindieweg.co.za
Duin in die Weg Outdoor Educational Centre, Perseel 131, 8822 Gariep, Upington, Northern Cape
We want to create an inspiring platform here to set people up for a life of purpose and significance.
DUIN IN DIE WEG is an Outdoor Educational Centre in the Northern Cape that offers a wide range of programs and activities to schools and other groups.
In a broken world, with broken families and many other struggles, we want to be a beacon of light in the darkness, sharing hope and inspiring change within every life we come in contact with.
Come … challenge yourself … learn new skills … go the extra mile for each other … and broaden your horizons.
May the new friendships, experiences, and memories last a lifetime!
Our vision
We want to create an inspiring platform here
to set people up for a life of purpose and significance.

Contact Us
Office | 054 741 0167
Coordinator | +27 83 303 7769
Admin | +27 78 847 6675 admin@duinindieweg.co.za