+27 (0) 78 847 6675

   +27 (0) 54 741 0167

E-mail. admin@duinindieweg.co.za

Duin in die Weg Outdoor Educational Centre, Perseel 131, 8822 Gariep, Upington, Northern Cape

Our rich History!

Duin in die Weg used to be the family farm of the Van Heerden family.

In 2004 Cobus and Carine van Heerden, both school teachers in Upington, converted the farm to an Outdoor Education Centre with a focus on educational programs for the school going youth.

They were joined in 2013 by the their in-laws, Fef and Pauline le Roux, who later took over the youth centred activities, while Cobus and Carine continued to focus on their farming activities.

Fef established the nearby Academy for Environmental Leadership at Uizip, an accredited tertiary academic environmental institution – after which the Duin in die Weg programmes were also aligned with the environmental theme.

Hence a fullblown Outdoor Educational Centre with an environmental and sport focus for the primary and secondary school going youth where they can from an early age learn more about the environment, its wonders and the challenges arising from an abuse thereof.

Wonderful beginning:

Contact Us

Office | 054 741 0167
Coordinator | +27 83 303 7769

Admin | +27 78 847 6675