+27 (0) 78 847 6675

   +27 (0) 54 741 0167

E-mail. admin@duinindieweg.co.za

Duin in die Weg Outdoor Educational Centre, Perseel 131, 8822 Gariep, Upington, Northern Cape


DUIN IN DIE WEG strives to make a difference in the lives of all our customers, young and old. We subscribe to high safety and ethical values and apply them without compromise.

 We have 12 different protocols that we follow for all our programmes and activities. Our SOP (safety plan) is also available on request. The following protocols and documents are provided for further notice.

Contact Us

Office | 054 741 0167
Coordinator | +27 83 303 7769

Admin | +27 78 847 6675