+27 (0) 54 741 0167
E-mail. admin@duinindieweg.co.za
Duin in die Weg Outdoor Educational Centre, Perseel 131, 8822 Gariep, Upington, Northern Cape
+27 (0) 54 741 0167
E-mail. duinindieweg@gmail.com
Duin in die Weg Guest Farm N10, Perseel 131, 8822 Gariep, Upington, Northern Cape
Outdoor activities offer an opportunity for a balanced educational experience for our learners. We believe there is a great need for outdoor education as a way of enhancing the school curriculum. It is part of the DNA of the Northern Cape.
The evidence of educational, health and well-being, social and personal development benefits, from outdoor education residential experiences, is irrefutable. Outdoor education is a powerful pedagogy. It creates opportunities and benefits that are life-changing for young people who demonstrate newfound confidence, determination, resilience, and compassion while developing new skills.
We have more than 20 different programs. Almost all learning areas of the CAPS curriculum can be involved – with special emphasis on the integration of learning areas. The outcomes for each program are identified according to the age group, and specific needs of the school. Full programs are available on request
The following camps are very popular:
• Leadership
• Leadership and Teambuilding
• Adventure
• Nature
We also host Land Service; Voortrekker and Scout camps. Camps can also be combined for your unique needs!
Contact Us
Office | 054 741 0167
Coordinator | +27 83 303 7769
Admin | +27 78 847 6675